I Haritina Mogoșanu, AbSciCon, International Participation, posters, 0 Two of two submitted posters for AbSciCon 2015 are at the conference! These are the SBNZ 2015 poster and SBNZ 2015 Education Poster. You can watch the conference streaming live here!
Developing with pleasure Alexandros Krassakis, Design, 0 Etiam vehicula odio est, sit amet volutpat nulla rutrum nec. Aliquam lorem diam, condimentum eu mollis et, semper et...
+ The next rover mission to Mars in 2020 to search for biosignatures — how New Zealand’s hot springs are helping NASA choose the next landing site NZAN Media Team, 2020, field site, Mars, New Zealand, rover, 0 A team, including Professor Kathy Campbell, attended a workshop sponsored by NASA and JPL on 8-10 February 2017 in...
+ Introduction to Astrobotany Caitlin MacArthur, astrobotany, botany, growing plants in space, iss, jaxa, kibo, plant biology, plants in space, seeds in space, seeds in space 2021, 0 Can we really grow potatoes on Mars like astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) does in "The Martian"?
+ Laura Penrose: Student poster at AbSciCon2017 NZAN Media Team, Laura Penrose, 0 AbSciCon2017 AbSciCon2017 was held in Mesa, Arizona with scientists, students, and educators attending this conference to discuss and share...
What is life? The Universe | Astrobiology – Documentary HD I Haritina Mogoșanu, 0 I really enjoyed seeing this newest movie made by 'The Universe' in which astrobiologists, discuss how life might have...
+ Europe launches a Virtual Institute for Astrobiology I Haritina Mogoșanu, 0 Europe launches The European Astrobiology Institute (EAI) at the recommendations of the AstroMap Report.
+ Breakfast with an astronaut NZAN Media Team, Anna Fisher, astronaut, Oxford Area School, University of Canterbury, 0 Students from Oxford Area School who participated in Synergies in Space Mission to Mars last year have the opportunity...
+ Perspectives on Life in the Universe at Auckland University NZAN Science, Dan Hikuroa, David Bennett, Heather Hendrickson, Kim Hill, lectures, life in the universe, Maria-Paz Zorzano, Professor Kathy Campbell, Richard Easther, University of Auckland, 0 Hosted by Te Ao Mārama – Centre for Fundamental Inquiry, this year's Vice-Chancellor's Lecture Series 2019 at University of...