I Haritina Mogoșanu, AbSciCon, International Participation, posters, 0 Two of two submitted posters for AbSciCon 2015 are at the conference! These are the SBNZ 2015 poster and SBNZ 2015 Education Poster. You can watch the conference streaming live here!
+ NZAN is at MOTAT NZAN Media Team, 0 We are at MOTAT today, for their annual STEM Fair along with a fresh lineup of scientists, technologists, engineers,...
+ New Zealand’s hot springs contribute to discovery of oldest evidence for life on land! NZAN Science, featured, hot springs, Mars, Professor Kathy Campbell, University of Auckland, 1 Life might have colonised land 580 million years earlier than previously thought - and this has also implications for...
+ + + + + + + + + Interesting Photos Alexandros Krassakis, Business, 0 Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae...
+ AHiS 2021 – The setup of the plant growth chamber on the ISS I Haritina Mogoșanu, AHiS, Basil in space, iss, seeds in space, seeds in space 2021, Soichi Noguchi, 0 The plant chamber for basil and starting the experiment. A brief overview of how basil is grown on the...
+ AHiS 2021 – How to fertilise your seeds I Haritina Mogoșanu, Fertiliser, iss, seeds in space, seeds in space 2021, 0 What to feed to your basil plants (aka fertilisers) and what has that got to do with stars.
+ Cosmic Star Safari announcement NZAN Media Team, astrobiology, Carterton District, Cosmic Star Safari, 0 Thanks to your support, one lucky school from the Carterton District gets a Cosmic Star Safari!
+ What’s up Pluto? Carolle Varughese, Exploratory science, Pluto, space telescope, 0 Fame, neglect, demotion and love. What a dramatic decade it has been for Pluto. From its discovery in 1930...
+ New astrobiology group formed I Haritina Mogoșanu, astrobiology, RASNZ, 0 A new group of the Royal Astronomical Society (RASNZ) has been established to foster the local astrobiology community. The Astrobiology...